I am looking for a way to loop over columns in a MYSQL table using a concatenated string to index the column names within a loop. An example of the data in the table might look like this:
R1 R2 R3 R4
0.68 0.08 0.04 4.24
0.15 1.17 3.06 0.57
1.59 0.48 1.39 1.00
1.59 0.77 1.13 0.22
0.90 0.23 0.73 0.52
The column names are simply the character "R" and a number (ultimately the number of columns will vary so the number could be up to 100). I would like to iterate over the columns to count the number of values in each column that exceed a threshold (I am using three thresholds: 3.0, 5.0 and 10.0). The result of calling the procedure should be something like the following:
str2 total ThreeCount FiveCount TenCount
`R1` 8772 794 153 1
str2 total ThreeCount FiveCount TenCount
`R2` 8772 382 42 0
I have been using the following code as a stored procedure to test the process (I am using 5 for the test and hence iterating over the first five columns of data values):
SET x = 1;
SET str1 = "R";
SET str2 = "";
SET str3 = "`";
WHILE x <= 5 DO
SET str2 = CONCAT(str3,str1,x,str3);
select str2,
count(*) total,
sum(case when str2 > 3.0 then 1 else 0 end) ThreeCount,
sum(case when str2 > 5.0 then 1 else 0 end) FiveCount,
sum(case when str2 > 10.0 then 1 else 0 end) TenCount
from test_dat;
SET x = x + 1;
However the procedure returns zero values (except for the total) unless I replace "str2" with the actual column names (e.g. replace str2 with R1
, R2
etc). However I would rather not use the actual column names.
What could I do to to have my concatenated string (str2) recognised as a column name? I have tried various combinations of concatenation such as:
SET str2 = CONCAT(str1,x);
But have not got non-zero counts with any of these.
Thank you for any help you are able to offer.
A normalised design might look something like this
id r val
1 1 0.68
2 1 0.15
3 1 1.59
4 1 1.59
5 1 0.90
6 2 0.08
7 2 1.17
8 2 0.48
9 2 0.77
10 2 0.23
11 3 0.04
12 3 3.06
13 3 1.39
14 3 1.13
15 3 0.73
16 4 4.24
17 4 0.57
18 4 1.00
19 4 0.22
20 4 0.52