I am just starting to learn C++ in college and our first assignment is to make a program that will do basic math. i feel like my code is not mistaken, but when i display the variable "sum", i get an answer that is way off. the value for the answer changes even if i input the same number multiple times. for example, i entered 2 for each variable and i got 1864273973 the first time and 1772335157 the second time. what could be causing this? i am using a macbook pro and code blocks, if anyone is wondering. i have also included my code.
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
//variabe declarations
int number, number2;
int sum, difference, product, dividend;
sum = number + number2;
difference = number - number2;
product = number * number2;
dividend = number/number2;
//user inputs
cout << "\n1 of 2: Enter a number: ";
cin >> number;
cout << "\n2 of 2: Enter second number :";
cin >> number2;
cout << "\nNumber 1 entered: " << number << "\nNumber 2 entered: " << number2;
cout << "\n" << number << "+" << number2 << "=" << sum << "\n";
C++ and almost every language nowadays use a structured system. It reads from top to bottom, so if you say "a = b+c" and then cin >> a, the calculation from b+c will be lost after the new input. You are trying to calculate using variables that are declared but not initialized. In c++, this will cause the new variable to just receive "trash", a number you probably don't want. To correct this, I think you want to actually receive number and number2 BEFORE doing the math.