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Why are Html Entities replaced by MS Expression Web?

I'm using Microsofts Expression Web 5 to edit my HTML documents. I have noticed a strange behaviour when using the 'Reformat HTML' method.

If my html document (UTF-8) contains html entities in the like of € the entity is replaced by a euro character. The html entities with a special meaning like '<' and '>' will not be replaced. So '<' (read: ampersand-l-t-semicolon) is left untouched.

Why does Expression Web do this?? I'm pretty sure it's best practise to use html entities whenever you can.


  • Why does Expression Web do this?? I'm pretty sure it's best practise to use html entities whenever you can.

    Actually, no: In a UTF-8 document, it's fine to use proper UTF-8 characters over HTML entities.

    So, what Expression Web is okay (Although this is a feature one should be able to turn off somewhere).

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