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Insert nested structures in MongoDb with Golang

I have a question regarding storage in MongoDB using mgo.

My DB has this structure :

  "Arrival": [
  "Clicks": [
  "Recherches": [
  "abonnements": {
    "newsletter": false
  "compte": "Standard",
  "datei": ISODate("2016-09-04T14:55:39.179Z"),
  "email": "_°°°°_",
  "mdp": "27d8d166ca1f1715541b7df6453401b95a1d59c2ca0f60ce71037d33926c4d6f09a63a909a8d5cb5230f92584973a4dd2b8bcf155d5785ef7e2afdd113334eee",
  "type": "T&D",
  "user": "_°°°°_",
  "validation": "validé"

In my Go application the structures are :

type Abonnement struct {
    Newsletter bool bson:"newsletter"'

type Persone struct {
    Compte string 'bson:"compte"'
    Datei time.Time 'bson:"datei"'
    Email string  'bson:"email"'
    MDP string 'bson:"mdp"'
    Type string 'bson:"T&D"'
    User string 'bson:"user"'
    Validation string 'bson:"validation"'
    Arrival []string 'bson:"Arrival"'
    Clicks []string 'bson:"Clicks"'
    Recherches []string 'bson:"Recherches"'
    Abonnements []Abonnement 'bson:"abonnements"'

But I can't manage to create the variable to put everything together :

personita := Persone{
      Compte : "Standard",
      Datei : time.Date(2015, time.February, 12, 04, 11, 0, 0, time.UTC),
      Email : "",
      MDP : "test_mdp",
      Type : "T&D",
      User : "test_user",
      Validation : "validé",
      Arrival  : []string{},
      Clicks : []string{},
      Recherches : []string{},
      Abonnements : []Abonnement{},

My main goal would be that there's a default value when I insert 'personita' with this inside :

"abonnements": {
    "newsletter": false


  • Seems just a typo

    Abonnements : []Abonnement{}