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iOS - Get a writable path in C++

I'm writing a sound recorder for iOS in native C++ and i cannot use the Foundation API.

I need something like this:

recordFilePath = 
(CFStringRef)[NSTemporaryDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent: @"recordedFile.caf"];

To get a writable path on the iPhone.

Thank you so much.


  • Sure you can, but speaking confidently this is a task for a client of mine and he requested no external functions or bridges or whatever involving Foundation in the core classes. So i had to built an audioqueue component without references to Foundation.

    For the record, i succedeed just doing this:

            const char *home = getenv("HOME");
            const char *subdir = "/Documents/";
            const char *file = "recordedFile.caf";
            char *recPath = (char*)(calloc(strlen(home) + strlen(subdir) 
                                  + strlen(file) + 1, sizeof(char)));
            strcpy(recPath, home); // copy string one into the result.
            strcat(recPath, subdir); // append string two to the result.
            strcat(recPath, file); // append string three to the result.
            //recordFilePath is our CFStringRef
            recordFilePath = CFStringCreateWithCString(0, recPath, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
            //recorder is an AQRecorder class like the one from SpeakHere code sample