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EntityFramework.sqlServerCompact and Repository pattern MVVM

I have a WPF application, I have used MVVM architecture, database sql server compact 4. Entityframework.sqlserverCompact database first, and I used a generic repository pattern as follows:

    public interface IRepository: IDisposable 
          IQueryable<T> All<T>() where T : class;
          void InsertAsync<T>(T entity) where T: class ;
          Task<T> GetByIdAsync<T>(int id) where T: class ;
          Task EditAsync<T>(T entity) where T : class;
          Task DeleteAsync<T>(T entity) where T : class;

The class that implement the Repository

    public class TryitRepository : IRepository
         private readonly MyEntityContext context;
         public TryitRepository()
              this.context = new MyEntityContext();
         public IQueryable<T> All<T>() where T : class
              return this.context.Set<T>();
         public void Dispose()
             if (this.context != null) this.context.Dispose();
         public void InsertAsync<T>(T entity) where T : class

// ViewModel

    public class ArticleViewModel : ObjectBase
          public readonly IRepository article;

          public ArticleViewModel()
                article =  new TryitRepository();

          private void LoadCommand()
               this.EditCommand = new CustomCommand(this.EditArticle, this.CanEditArticle);
               this.SaveCommand= new CustomCommand(this.SaveArticle, this.CanSaveArticle);
              this.DeleteCommand = new CustomCommand(this.DeleteArticle, this.CanDeleteArticle);          

          private bool CanSaveArticle(object obj)
              return true;
          private void SaveArticle(object obj)
              Article artikel = new Article() { Name = "newarticle", Color = "Pink", Price = 125.95, Articlenr = 15547878, Items_In_Package= 12 };


When the SaveArticle is fired, everything runs well, I see the new article on the list (ListView) but not in the database. what am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance.


  • Solved!

    see answer of ErikEJ in the link below: