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vis.js Timeline weekend dates

Is there a way to force .vis-grid.vis-saturday and .vis-grid.vis-sunday classes to show. I set up my timeline grouped by employees to show a monthly view but cannot get the Saturday and Sunday to how. I have to zoom in for it to show up. I tried manual add Saturday and Sunday for each employees but the result is not the same, can't get the whole column to shade. Is there anyway I can achieve the shaded to look like the built-in version with the monthly view?


Weekend dates shaded by css (.vis-saturday sunday) but have to zoom in to 2 weeks view

timeline - manually added weekend (Sat & Sun)

1st Picture: Auto shaded with .vis.sunday/saturday classes but have to zoom in to 2 week view to see. 2nd Picture: Manually added events to Saturday and Sunday.


  • This issues has already been fixed in vis.js.