Given the HOCON
below for a consitent-hashing-pool
router, how do I specify the hashMapping.
akka {
actor {
serializers {
wire = "Akka.Serialization.WireSerializer, Akka.Serialization.Wire"
serialization-bindings {
"System.Object" = wire
deployment {
/data-collector {
router = consistent-hashing-pool
nr-of-instances = 10
loggers = ["Akka.Logger.NLog.NLogLogger,Akka.Logger.NLog"]
let config = Configuration.load()
let systemName = config.GetString("app-config.actorsystem", "my-system")
let system = System.create systemName config
let collectorRouter =
let hashMapping (msg:obj) =
match msg with
| :? Message as msg ->
match msg with
| Parse (_, req) -> req.uniqueId |> box
| _ -> "-" |> box
ConsistentHashingPool (10, ConsistentHashMapping hashMapping)
let dataCollectorProps =
{ props (dataCollector settings.collector) with
Router = Some (collectorRouter :> RouterConfig)} //(FromConfig.Instance.WithFallback collectorRouter)
let test = spawn system "data-collector" <| dataCollectorProps
Router = Some (collectorRouter :> RouterConfig)
Router = Some (FromConfig.Instance.WithFallback collectorRouter)
What is the correct way to specify the hashMapping function?
Edit 1 The warning from the console is
Akka.Routing.ConsistentHashingRoutingLogic|Message [Message] must be handled by hashMapping, or implement [IConsistentHashable] or be wrapped in [ConsistentHashableEnvelope]
There are three ways of specifying the hash key. My favourite is to implement IConsistentHashable
and return the key (based on some properties of the message) from the ConsistentHashKey
Example excerpt from my Consistent Hashing article (in C#; sorry I don't know F#):
public class CurrencyPriceChangeMessage : IConsistentHashable
public string CurrencyPair { get; }
public decimal Price { get; }
public object ConsistentHashKey
return this.CurrencyPair;
The hash key will be used to route messages with the same key always to the same routee.