So I've got a successful Parse-Server up and running on Heroku, and a functioning Parse-Server-Dashboard as well.
My issue is that through Parse-Server-Dashboard I'm not able to see the Config section. I've been searching endlessly, but I haven't been able to find any resources on this issue.
I've set my Config Var on Heroku PARSE_EXPERIMENTAL_CONFIG_ENABLED = 1, which allows me to get the config client-side just fine, but I still can't see it in dashboard.
Dashboard is V 1.0.15, and Parse-Sever is V 2.1.6
Here's what I'm seeing:
Here's (something similar to) what I want to see:
update parse-dashboard to the latest version as well as parse-server (you're running 2.1.6 and the current version is 2.2.18) it should be here...
At least I can see it.