I have a huge csv file which is about 20 GB. It has 5,000 columns and 2,500,000 rows. I want to write each column of that into one file. I already tried FOR loop, but it is pretty slow. My code is below:
Columns=$(head -n 1 train.csv | sed "s/,/\n/g" | wc -l)
mkdir cols
for i in `seq 1 $Columns`;
echo $i
tail -n +2 train.csv | cut -d',' -f$i > cols/col_$i.txt
I appropriate any suggestion to accelerate this.
Perl solution. It openes 1000 files at once, so it will pass over your input 5 times. Run with the input filename as parameter.
use warnings;
use strict;
my $inputfile = shift;
open my $input, '<', $inputfile or die $!;
mkdir 'cols';
my @headers = split /,/, <$input>;
chomp $headers[-1];
my $pos = tell $input; # Remember where the first data line starts.
my $step = 1000;
for (my $from = 0; $from <= $#headers; $from += $step) {
my $to = $from + $step - 1;
$to = $#headers if $#headers < $to;
warn "$from .. $to";
# Open the files and print the headers in range.
my @fhs;
for ($from .. $to) {
open $fhs[ $_ - $from ], '>', "cols/col-$_" or die $!;
print { $fhs[ $_ - $from ] } $headers[$_], "\n";
# Print the columns in range.
while (<$input>) {
my $i = 0;
print { $fhs[$i++] } $_, "\n" for (split /,/)[ $from .. $to ];
close for @fhs;
seek $input, $pos, 0; # Go back to the first data line.