I´ve created a draggable custom Component in order to manage the geometry of individual Quick Controls Components.
The componet has 2 parts:
Description of the behavior:
Example of the Component when the Manipulator area is visible
The logic of this component would be similar to the logic of a folder in a Desktop Enviroment (except for resizing) The manipulator would be the folder itself and the inner component is its name.
Here I post a simplified version of my manipulator, I´m sure it will help to construct an answer, (I tried a lot of variations for several hours, this is one of those not functional attempts)
id: root
width: 175; height: 25;
focus: true
states: [
State {
name: "noFocus"
when: !manipulator.activeFocus && !innerComp.activeFocus
PropertyChanges {
target: innerComp
enabled: false
PropertyChanges {
target: manipulator
visible: false
State {
name: "focused"
when: manipulator.activeFocus
PropertyChanges {
target: innerComp
enabled: false
PropertyChanges {
target: manipulator
visible: true
State {
name: "innerFocus"
when: innerComp.activeFocus
PropertyChanges {
target: innerComp
enabled: true
PropertyChanges {
target: manipulator
visible: true
//visual area of manipulation (drag, redimension, etc)
id: manipulator
anchors.fill: parent
onDoubleClicked: forceActiveFocus(innerComp) //go to state 3 "innerFocus"
drag.target: manipulator
Keys.onEscapePressed: forceActiveFocus(root) //I don´t think this is the correct to loose focus but I don´t know how to do that
Rectangle {
id: background
anchors.fill: parent
color: "lightsteelblue";
//Inner Component (TextField for example)
InnerComp {
id: innerComp
anchors.fill: parent
Keys.onEscapePressed: forceActiveFocus(manipulator) //return state 2 "focused"
I finally found the solution, as someone in a qt forum sugested:
Maybe reverse the dependency, i.e. make the focus depend on the state, not the state depend on the focus?
So I changed my code and now it works!
I post the solution here for those who could be interested in it (as I said this is a simplified version of the real code):
Item {
id: root
width: 175; height: 25;
states: [
State {
name: "noFocus"
PropertyChanges {
target: innerComp; enabled: false
PropertyChanges {
target: background; visible: false
PropertyChanges {
target: manipulator; focus: true
State {
name: "focused"
PropertyChanges {
target: innerComp; enabled: false
PropertyChanges {
target: background; visible: true
PropertyChanges {
target: manipulator; focus: true
State {
name: "innerFocus"
PropertyChanges {
target: innerComp; enabled: true
PropertyChanges {
target: background; visible: true
PropertyChanges {
target: manipulator; focus: true
state: "noFocus"
//visual area of manipulation (drag, redimension, etc)
id: manipulator
anchors.fill: parent
onPressed: {
root.state = "focused"
forceActiveFocus(manipulator) //this prevents loosing focus in some especific situations
onDoubleClicked: root.state = "innerFocus"
Keys.onEscapePressed: root.state = "noFocus"
Rectangle {
id: background
anchors.fill: parent
color: "lightsteelblue";
//Inner Component (TextField for example)
InnerComp {
id: innerComp
anchors.fill: parent
Keys.onEscapePressed: root.state = "focused"