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Update several records in a table with a single SQL Server MERGE (from XML)

Is it possible to use SQL Server 2012 MERGE to update more than one records in a table from XML stream?

My table is as follows:

enter image description here

A few times per day I receive the following XML envelope:

    <Location Temperature="67" Id="56">
    <Location Temperature="72" Id="783">

I need to update the weather data based on LocationID from XML. I know how to MERGE each single message (location), but I wonder if there is a way to update all table records within a single MERGE.


  • Yes you can! At first convert xml to table, then MERGE:

    DECLARE @x xml = N'<WeatherForecastUpdate>
        <Location Temperature="67" Id="56">
        <Location Temperature="72" Id="783">
    ;WITH cte AS (
        SELECT  t.v.value('@Temperature','int') Temperature,
                t.v.value('@Id','int') Id,
                t.v.value('(./Humidity)[1]','nvarchar(5)') Humidity,
                t.v.value('(./Condition)[1]','nvarchar(10)') Condition,
                t.v.value('(./Wind)[1]','nvarchar(10)') Wind
        FROM @x.nodes('/WeatherForecastUpdate/Location') as t(v)
    MERGE YourTable as t
    USING cte as s
    ON t.LocationID = s.ID
        UPDATE SET  Temp = s.Temperature,
                    Humidity = s.Humidity,
                    Wind = s.Wind

    Another way to use simple UPDATE:

    UPDATE t
    SET Temp = s.Temperature,
        Humidity = s.Humidity,
        Wind = s.Wind
    FROM YourTable t
    INNER JOIN cte s
        ON t.LocationID = s.ID