I have generic type IMyGeneric<T> where T : IBase
How can I get all types inherit IMyGeneric<T>
in ninject?
I tried this:
but that is not working and its returning 0 results.
I could get everything that is inheriting IBase
and then foreach
all types and use this.kernel.Get(type)
but then I would have IEnumerable<object>
and not IEnumerable<IMyGeneric<IMyInheritedType>>
and would not be able to cast and return then as specific type e.g. IEnumerable<IMyGeneric<IBase>>
because I get error on cast.
Ninject only supports injecting types which are specifically registered. With two exceptions:
and FooClass
contains an accessible constructor).Means if you want to resolve several IMyGeneric<IBase>
you will need to register several:
or, if these types need to be resolvable by multiple types:
Bind(typeof(Apple)).To(typeof(IMyGeneric<IBase>), typeof(IMyGeneric<Apple>));
Instead of manually defining all the bindings you can make use of the Conventions Extension and use a custom IBindingGenerator
to create the bindings.
Or of course you could also write your own reflection based helper.