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IBM Watson Movie Conversation Agent hosted inside Bluemix cloud: Strange situation

IBM Watson Movie Conversation Agent hosted inside Bluemix cloud: Strange situation:

*I made the exact two copies of this IBM Watson Movie Conversation Agent inside Bluemix cloud during last several days. The demo open source code is on Github.

*The strange situation: One of the above bots runs without problems here:

Another copy like the above cannot load the content here:

The above two apps both have been running over one day already. Each of the above apps is given 128mb memory.

Any suggestions and thoughts will be appreciated.


  • After lots of work, we found the following problem with this Watson Movie Assistant Demo app code: It is not engineered to work with Windows 10 Edge browser. After we launched the demo app in chrome browser and then edited the code in Edge browser, the saved code cannot be displayed in any browser. Now this demo app can run in major browsers, but it cannot be displayed on ipad. Anybody had this problem ? Any suggestions on this?