I want to copy text inside iframe by watir webdrive and print it. iframe is inside a div. Both iframe and div have ID.
<div id="sitbReaderKindleSample" style="visibility: visible; width: 497.5px; height: 18138px;">
<iframe id="sitbReaderFrame" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="height: 17945px;">
my code is
targetURL = "https://www.amazon.in/Secret-Druids-Christopher-C-Doyle- ebook/dp/B01BMD4JF0?ie=UTF8&qid=1472664339&ref_=lp_1318158031_1_2&s=books&sr=1"
browser.goto targetURL
browser.image(:id => "ebooksSitbLogoImg").click
itext = browser.div(:id => 'sitbReaderKindleSample').text
puts itext
End of this sample Kindle book. Enjoyed the preview? Buy now
or even:
See details for this book in the Kindle Store
but i do not need this. This is from outside iframe. i need the text inside iframe.
I tried
itext = browser.iframe(:id => 'sitbReaderFrame').text
its output is blank
Need help to print the text inside the iframe
I use rubymine IDE
You are correct in doing:
browser.iframe(:id => 'sitbReaderFrame').text
If you are getting an empty String
, that means you are using an older version of Watir:
returned the text nodes of the iframe
element, which is always nothing.iframe.text
was changed to switch to the iframe
context and then return its body
text (which is what you want).You should make sure that you are using the latest version.