I have the following test helper function for my iOS UI tests:
func waitForElementToHaveKeyboardFocus(element: XCUIElement) {
self.expectationForPredicate(NSPredicate(format:"valueForKey(\"hasKeyboardFocus\") == true"), evaluatedWithObject:element, handler: nil)
self.waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(5, handler: nil)
In my test I have:
let usernameTextField = app.textFields["Username"]
let passwordTextField = app.secureTextFields["Password"]
The test fails with the following error:
error: -[ExampleAppUITests.ExampleAppUITests testExampleApp] : failed: caught "NSUnknownKeyException", "[<_NSPredicateUtilities 0x10e554ee8> valueForUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key hasKeyboardFocus."
If I put a breakpoint in the test at the failure and manually call valueForKey("hasKeyboardFocus")
on both the focused and unfocused fields I seem to get the correct behavior:
(lldb) po usernameTextField.valueForKey("hasKeyboardFocus")
t = 51.99s Find the "Username" TextField
t = 51.99s Use cached accessibility hierarchy for ExampleApp
t = 52.00s Find: Descendants matching type TextField
t = 52.01s Find: Elements matching predicate '"Username" IN identifiers'
▿ Optional<AnyObject>
- Some : 1
(lldb) po passwordTextField.valueForKey("hasKeyboardFocus")
t = 569.99s Find the "Password" SecureTextField
t = 569.99s Use cached accessibility hierarchy for ExampleApp
t = 570.01s Find: Descendants matching type SecureTextField
t = 570.01s Find: Elements matching predicate '"Password" IN identifiers'
▿ Optional<AnyObject>
- Some : 0
Is it possible to make valueForKey
on a XCUIElement
work with NSPredicate
in a UI test? Is there another elegant way to do this?
It looks like your predicate is slightly off. Try changing it to the following:
NSPredicate(format: "hasKeyboardFocus == true"), evaluatedWithObject:element, handler: nil)
You don't need to pass in the valueForKey
part when creating the predicate.