I'm trying to create a class to store my connection string and general functions for insert, update and delete.
Testing the INSERT function, it seems to complete the process without any errors but the phisical DB doesn't have the new registry.
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class ControlBD
' Connection string
Private ConBD As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" &
"Data Source=inventariosBD.accdb;")
' Data Set
Private ds As New DataSet
' Data Adapter
Private da As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
' SQL queries
Public Sql As String
Public Sub cargarDS(tabla)
sql = "Select * from " & tabla
da = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(sql, ConBD)
da.Fill(ds, tabla)
End Sub
Public Sub insertar(tabla As String, valores As Array)
' Command Builder
Dim cb As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder()
Dim dsRegistro As DataRow = ds.Tables(tabla).NewRow()
For i = 0 To UBound(valores)
dsRegistro.Item(valores(i)(0)) = valores(i)(1)
cb.DataAdapter = da
da.Update(ds, tabla)
End Sub
End Class
Public Class formPrincipal
Public ControlBD As New ControlBD
Private Sub formPrincipal_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim tabla As String = "productos"
Dim vals(4) As Array
vals(0) = {"grupo", "mi_grupo'"}
vals(1) = {"nombre", "mi_nombre"}
vals(2) = {"medida", "mi_medida"}
vals(3) = {"cantidad", "50"}
vals(4) = {"precio", "80"}
ControlBD.insertar(tabla, vals)
End Sub
Finally, when I place a breakpoint at the update line da.Update(ds, tabla) VisualStudio shows the following:
ADO.NET: Ejecutar NonQuery "INSERT INTO productos (grupo, nombre, medida, cantidad, precio) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)". Se ejecutó el texto de comando "INSERT INTO productos (grupo, nombre, medida, cantidad, precio) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" en la conexión "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=inventariosBD.accdb;" y devolvió el número de filas afectadas.
So the query has question marks instead of the values I want to insert, but VS debugger shows my DataSet has the new values correctly. Where is the mistake?
I added the DataBase at the Solutions Explorer of Visual Studio so it automatically added the database to the Bin/Debug folder.
I was checkig the database from Visual Studio, but I realized it was showing me the original DB and not the one at Bin/Folder.
In other words... Visual Studio was showing me another DataBase than the one being affected by my code.
So my code INSERTS INTO the database, but it replaces the same registry, it's like an UPDATE not an INSERT even though the output query says INSERT INTO as shown above.
I added the DataBase at the Solutions Explorer of Visual Studio so it automatically added the database to the Bin/Debug folder.
I was checkig the database from Visual Studio, but I realized it was showing me the original DB and not the one at Bin/Folder.
In other words... Visual Studio was showing me another DataBase than the one being affected by my code.