I really don't understand how it can be possible... The site angelescielo.com/candidatas was working... But I have this PHP (candidatas.blade.php... And as far as I understand the blade extension is from Laravel) ...
I updated its DOM (not even PHP code) to remove a text. But now it doesn't work anymore ... (I get a WSOD and debugging the only thing I see is a 500 error) And the only modification was to a span tag .
I've been trying to see the logs according to other posts I've seen around Internet and StackOverflow but I can't see the reason of the 500 error, I'm desperate and now I don't know where to start from.
This error is very often comes when you upload first time your website on server. In such cases changing permissions for folders helps.
Try to use this commands in terminal
sudo chmod 755 -R laravel_site
chmod -R o+w laravel_site/storage
laravel_site - is the laravel folder