I am new to this add-in programming. My requirement is i would like to add AfterSave event for word document from c#. I have created Application_DocumentBeforeSave event but i want document After Save event.
can any one help me to solve this..
thanks in advance..
private void Application_DocumentBeforeSave(Document Doc, ref bool SaveAsUI, ref bool Cancel)
new Thread(() =>
while (true)
var application = document.Application; // This is inaccessible while the save file dialog is open, so it will throw exceptions.
while (application.BackgroundSavingStatus > 0) // Wait until the save operation is complete.
catch {
// If we get to here, the user either saved the document or canceled the saving process. To distinguish between the two, we check the value of document.Saved.
Application_DocumentAfterSave(document, !document.Saved);
private void Application_DocumentAfterSave(Document Doc, bool isCanceled) {
// Handle the after-save event. Note: Remember to check isCanceled.