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Laravel 5.3: hasManyThrough relationship

I have the following situation:

  id - integer
  network_id - integer (FK)

  id - integer
  owner_id - integer (FK)

  id - integer
  name - string

I have an Eloquent model for my location data. Now what I want to do, is create a RESTful API where I can retrieve the owner data through the network model.

I've tried using hasManyThrough with no luck. The model has the following relationships;

Network - Location = One to Many
Owner - network = One to One

So many locations belong to one network, and each network has one owner. This is always the case.

I've tried the following.

class Location extends Model 
    public function owner() {
       return $this->hasManyThrough('App\Owner', 'App\Network, 'id', 'id);

Then return the model in my resource.

class LocationController extends Controller 
   public function index() {
      return [
         'data' => Location::with('network', 'owner')->take($limit)->take($offset)->get()

I don't get an error but the model doesn't return any owner, instead just an empty array.

Can anybody help me out creating a relationship between those models using Laravel's Eloquent? I'm using Laravel 5.3.


  • Not sure whether your table structure fits to be able to use hasManyThrough

    From what I can see with the documentation you would need

      id - integer
      network_id - integer
      id - integer
      location_id - integer
      id - integer
      network_id - integer
      name - string

    Then you could use

     return $this->hasManyThrough(
                'App\Owner', 'App\Network',
                'location_id', 'network_id', 'id'

    That being said you may be able to get it to work by trying different combinations the hasManyThrough e.g.

    return $this->hasManyThrough('App\Owner', 'App\Network, 'owner_id', 'id', 'network_id');