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"Web Compiler" compile on save not working

I am using web compiler but it will not compile my SASS structure unless I right-click on "compilerconfig.json" and select "Web-compiler" --> "Re-compile all files".

When I use the other methods to trigger compile...

  • When I save a SCSS-file (most important)
  • When I go to menu "Build" --> "Re-compile all files in solution"
  • When I use the short command Shift + Alt + Y

It will tell me "Compiled successfully" or "Done compiling", however files are not updated.

I am using Visual Studio 2015 v.3 and Web Compiler UPDATED 8/2/2016, VERSION 1.11.319.


  • Found the answer in a forum. I just needed to remove some temp files and restart Visual Studio:


    Forum post:

    Hope this helps someone!