I am trying to upload my localhost site that I am making to the live server. Before I did that I made a test with a "hello world" index.php
When I place my index.php on the following path the page is working:
but that is not in the wwwroot.
When I place the index.php in the wwwroot folder I do not get to the hello world page. I just get the domain page.
How can this be? I also noticed that my page should be dangerous in the URL bar. It is just a portfolio, there is nothing dangerous on that site.
According to discussion in comment,
You need to set/change your DOCUMENT_ROOT
directive as below
DOCUMENT_ROOT /customers/0/f/c/vouzalis.com/httpd.www
DOCUMENT_ROOT /customers/0/f/c/vouzalis.com/httpd.www/wwwroot
If you are not managing your server, you can ask hosting for setup.