I have installed DCOS with one agent and 3 masters and tried installing ArangoDB but it is failing to deploy arangodb.
Below is the config seen as per the log.
ArangoDB Image: arangodb/arangodb-mesos:3.0
Mode: cluster
Asynchronous replication flag: 0
SecondariesWithDBservers: 0
CoordinatorsWithDBservers: 0
SecondarySameServer: 0
ArangoDBForcePullImage: 1
ArangoDBPrivilegedImage: 0
Minimal resources agent: mem():2048;cpus():0.25;disk(*):2048
Minimal resources DBserver: mem():4096;cpus():1;disk(*):4096
Minimal resources secondary DBserver: mem():4096;cpus():1;disk(*):4096
Minimal resources coordinator: mem():4096;cpus():1;disk(*):1024
Number of agents in agency: 3
Number of DBservers: 2
Number of coordinators: 2
zookeeper: zk://master.mesos:2181/arangodb3
And below is the error seen in the log file.
0901 07:07:34.769537 23 CaretakerCluster.cpp:422] planned agent instances: 3, running agent instances: 1
I0901 07:07:34.769601 23 Caretaker.cpp:400] Declining offer e2301ebe-fff0-46a5-b71b-ef77b9a7a764-O11
I0901 07:07:37.474743 24 HttpServer.cpp:439] handling http request 'GET /v1/health.json'
I0901 07:07:40.802276 23 CaretakerCluster.cpp:416] And here the offer:
I0901 07:07:40.802320 23 CaretakerCluster.cpp:422] planned agent instances: 3, running agent instances: 1
I0901 07:07:40.802383 23 Caretaker.cpp:400] Declining offer e2301ebe-fff0-46a5-b71b-ef77b9a7a764-O12
I believe one agent server is also sufficient. Is it that number of the agents should also be 3 servers ?
Also need to know how to restart the entire cluster and single service if need be ? (Killing processes doesn't seem to be right way)
Can someone suggest what exactly needs to done here...
Thanks in advance!
Do I understand correctly that you only have one Agent node (which would explain only one instance running)? ArangoDB needs at least 3 agent nodes. See the pre-install note: https://github.com/mesosphere/universe/blob/version-3.x/repo/packages/A/arangodb3/4/package.json#L10