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Error: package ‘car’ could not be loaded. [Rcmdr]

i try install R Commander from RGui. i install Rcmdr package so:

Packages -> install packages.

When i Write:


R show this error:

enter image description here

How i can Solve this error?

Thanks for the help.


  • Reco,

    Try the following:

    1. Launch RGui (64)
    2. Select Packages from the Menu
    3. Select "Select CRAN Mirror...
      • 3.1 Select "0-Cloud [https]
    4. Select Install Packages
      • 4.1 Select Rcmdr
    5. Select Install Packages
      • 5.1 Select Rcmdrmisc
    6. require(Rcmdr)

    Note: _My personal recommendation is to install RStudio.

    enter image description here

    enter image description here