Good Morning I want to ask something that is related in checkboxes I have to groups of checkboxes and it looks like this
My question is How can i check the checkbox Purchase Requisition
whenever i check any checkbox in Group Purchase Requisition
and if all of them are uncheck then checkbox Purchase Requisition
is unchecked.
I have this code and I put this code on all of the checkbox inside Groupbox Purchase Requisition
Sub check_Purchase_Req()
Dim oCtl As Control
Dim iX As Integer
For Each oCtl In GroupBox3.Controls
If TypeName(oCtl) = "CheckBox" And oCtl.Enabled = True Then iX = iX + 1
If iX > 0 Then
CheckBox1.Checked = True
ElseIf CheckBox19.Checked = False And CheckBox20.Checked = False And CheckBox21.Checked = False And CheckBox22.Checked = False And CheckBox23.Checked = False Then
CheckBox1.Checked = False
Exit For
End If
End Sub
but this code doesnt meet what I need
Any help is appreciated TYSM
Here, Checkbox1 to Checkbox5 is the assumed named of the Checkboxes inside Purchase Requisition
group box.
is also the Checkbox for your Purchase Requistion checkbox
Try this one:
Private Sub CheckBox1_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles _
CheckBox1.CheckedChanged, CheckBox2.CheckedChanged, CheckBox3.CheckedChanged, CheckBox4.CheckedChanged, CheckBox5.CheckedChanged
If sender.Checked = True Then
chkPurchaseRequisition.Checked = True
Dim AllUnchecked As Boolean = True
For Each c As Control In grpboxPurchaseRequisition.Controls.OfType(Of CheckBox)()
If DirectCast(c, CheckBox).Checked = True Then
AllUnchecked = False
Exit For
End If
If AllUnchecked = True Then
chkPurchaseRequisition.Checked = False
End If
End If
End Sub