Problem 1
/ \
/ \
67 89
/ \ / \
/ \ / \
38 42 54 89
/ \
/ \
17 25
i want to insert 97 into max heap [98,67,89,38,42,54,89,17,25] (represented in list).
As per me, resulting heap is [98,97,89,38,67,54,89,17,25,42]
/ \
/ \
97 89
/ \ / \
/ \ / \
38 67 54 89
/ \ |
/ \ |
17 25 42
Problem 2
i want to apply delete_max() twice to the heap [100,97,93,38,67,54,93,17,25,42].
/ \
/ \
97 93
/ \ / \
/ \ / \
38 67 54 93
/ \ |
/ \ |
17 25 42
As per me heap after two deletemax operations,resulting heap is [93,67,93,38,42,54,25,17]
/ \
/ \
67 93
/ \ / \
/ \ / \
38 42 54 25
I want to conform, is I am doing insertion and max_delete correctly for heap and above answer is correct? If not correct, then please guide me.
Your answers look correct. Let's take a closer look at why.
In the first case, you have the heap:
You want to insert 97. So you add it to the end and then bubble it up:
You compare 97 with its parent (42). Since 97 is greater, you swap them:
Then compare 97 with its parent again. This time the parent is 67, so you have to swap again.
Comparing one more time, you see that the parent (98) is greater than the item you inserted, so you're done.
Now, given the heap [100,97,93,38,67,54,93,17,25,42]
, you want to remove the two highest items. The rule for delete_max is replace the root with the last item on the heap, and then sift it down. So you have:
42 is smaller than its children, so you swap it with the largest child:
It's greater than 38, but smaller than 67, so you swap again:
And 42 is now at the leaf level so there's nothing more to do. That's the first item removed. Now to remove the second. Move 25 to the root:
And sifting down:
[93,67,25,38,42,54,93,17] // swapped with 93
[93,67,93,38,42,54,25,17] // swapped with 93 again