I'm using express-jwt to secure my node application, and am wondering how I can use a wildcard in the unless parameter. My working code is below, what I'd really like to do is open up access to anything that has a path starting with '/login' so I don't have to list every single resource. When I add '/login*' to the unprotected array it ends up blocking /login with a 401/unauthorized.
// routes open to all
var unprotected = [
// configure jwt
var jwtCheck = jwt({
secret: new Buffer(config.get('auth0.secret'), 'base64'),
audience: config.get('auth0.clientid')
// insert jwt middleware
app.use( jwtCheck.unless({path: unprotected}) );
Doesn't work:
// routes open to all
var unprotected = [
// configure jwt
var jwtCheck = jwt({
secret: new Buffer(config.get('auth0.secret'), 'base64'),
audience: config.get('auth0.clientid')
// insert jwt middleware
app.use( jwtCheck.unless({path: unprotected}) );
The regexp needs to exist outside the quotes:
var unprotected = [
Note that at this time with express-unless you can't mix regexp and strings in the same config array, which is why the second argument needs to have forward slashes instead of quotes.