I have This code here including userTrackingMode = .follow
and it works great but it just pops onto Userlocation
instead of animating the map to go to the user location ...which is what i want . Anyone can tell me hot to add that animation making the map change onto the user location by animation and not just pop onto it ( if it makes sense )
import UIKit
import MapKit
import CoreLocation
class MapViewController: UIViewController,MKMapViewDelegate, CLLocationManagerDelegate{
@IBOutlet weak var mapView: MKMapView!
@IBAction func UserTrackingMode(sender: AnyObject) {
mapView.userTrackingMode = .Follow
You can call setUserTrackingMode:animated
in order to animate the transition:
@IBAction func UserTrackingMode(sender: AnyObject) {
mapView.setUserTrackingMode(.Follow, animated:true)