We had no problem with an older version (TeeChart.TChart.7) but recently we installed TeeChart.TChart.10 and started to have an issue in our runtime application. Our problem is that whenever we click in any TeeChartView in the application there is a pop-up window error with the following text: "Error loading type library/DLL".
Our application is developed in Dolphin Smalltalk and we never had problems before, or while in develpment environment this issue does not exist, but it appears in the runtime application. We can provide more information about the error if you want, we tried logging the API calls with API Monitor v2 32-bit, but the error is not very descriptive.
We hope you can help us, otherwise we will have to downgrade to the previous version we were using.
Error loading dll may suggest a problem with registration of the TeeChart ocx in the runtime environment. Are you able to cross-check that by running a small VB app that uses TeeChart or similar in the runtime machine?