Is there a way to remove all bindings for specific queue using spring-amqp?
There's a workaround, first delete a queue, and then redeclare it
amqpAdmin.declareQueue(new Queue("testQueue"));
but this is pretty ugly solution and I'd like to avoid it
You can use the REST API to list the bindings and amqpAdmin.removeBinding()
for those you want to remove.
Here's the code using a Java 8 Stream
- you can do the same thing by iterating over the list if you are not using Java 8...
RabbitManagementTemplate rmt = new RabbitManagementTemplate("http://localhost:15672/api/", "guest", "guest");
.filter(b -> b.getDestination().equals("q1") && b.isDestinationQueue())
.forEach(b -> {
System.out.println("Deleting " + b);
Deleting Binding [destination=q1, exchange=, routingKey=q1]
Deleting Binding [destination=q1, exchange=ex1, routingKey=foo]
Deleting Binding [destination=q1, exchange=ex2, routingKey=foo]
(when q1 was bound to the default exchange and 2 others).
The RabbitAdmin amqpAdmin
is used to do the deletes.