Search code examples

Using R how to separate a string based on characters

I have a set of strings and I need to search by words that have a period in the middle. Some of the strings are concatenated so I need to break them apart in to words so that I can then filter for words with dots.

Below is a sample of what I have and what I get so far

 punctToRemove <- c("[^[:alnum:][:space:]._]")

 s <- c("get_degree('TITLE',PERS.ID)",
        "2.1.1Report Field Level Definition",
        "The user defined field. The user will validate")

This is what I currently get

gsub(punctToRemove, " ", s)

[1] "get_degree  TITLE  PERS.ID "                   
[2] "CLIENT_NEED.TYPE_CODe 21"                      
[3] "2.1.1Report Field Level Definition"            
[4] "The user defined field. The user will validate"

Sample of what I want is below

[1] "get_degree ( ' TITLE ' , PERS.ID ) "          # spaces before and after the "(", "'", ",",and ")"
[2] "CLIENT_NEED.TYPE_CODe = 21"                   # spaces before and after the "=" sign. Dot and underscore remain untouched.        
[3] "2.1.1Report Field Level Definition"           # no changes 
[4] "The user defined field. The user will validate" # no changes


  • We can use regex lookarounds

    s1 <- gsub("(?<=['=(),])|(?=['(),=])", " ", s, perl = TRUE)
    #[1] "get_degree ( ' TITLE ' , PERS.ID ) "           
    #[2] "CLIENT_NEED.TYPE_CODe = 21"                    
    #[3] "2.1.1Report Field Level Definition"            
    #[4] "The user defined field. The user will validate"
    #[1] 35 26 34 46

    which is equal to the number of characters showed in the OP's expected output.