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Extracting a list of substrings from MongoDB using a Regular Expression

I need to extract a part of a string that matches a regex and return it.

I have a set of documents such as:

{"_id" :12121, "fileName" : "apple.doc"}, 
{"_id" :12125, "fileName" : "rap.txt"},
{"_id" :12126, "fileName" : "tap.pdf"}, 
{"_id" :12126, "fileName" : "cricket.txt"}, 

I need to extract all file extensions and return {".doc", ".txt", ".pdf"}.

I am trying to use the $regex operator to find the sub strings and aggregate on the results but am unable to extract the required part and pass it down the pipeline.

I have tried something like this without success:

  { $match: { "name": { $regex: '/\.[0-9a-z]+$/i', "$options": "i" } } },
  { $group: { _id: null, tot: { $push: "$name" } } }


  • It will be possible to do this in the upcoming version of MongoDB(as the time of this writing) using the aggregation framework and the $indexOfCP operator. Until then, your best bet here is MapReduce.

    var mapper = function() { 
        emit(this._id, this.fileName.substring(this.fileName.indexOf(".")))
                      function(key, value) {}, 
                      { "out": { "inline": 1 }}

    Which yields:

            "_id" : 12121,
            "value" : ".doc"
            "_id" : 12125,
            "value" : ".txt"
            "_id" : 12126,
            "value" : ".pdf"
            "_id" : 12127,
            "value" : ".txt"

    For completeness here is the solution using the aggregation framework*

            { "$match": { "name": /\.[0-9a-z]+$/i } },
            { "$group": { 
                "_id": null,
                "extension":  { 
                    "$push": {
                        "$substr": [ 
                            { "$indexOfCP": [ "$fileName", "." ] }, 

    which produces:

        "_id" : null, 
        "extensions" : [ ".doc", ".txt", ".pdf", ".txt" ] 

    *current development version of MongoDB (as the time of this writing).