I have troubles with Loopers and Realm.
I have an Activity
that instanciate its Presenter
in onCreate(), and then call one of its public method initFirstLaunch()
RealmChangeListener<CourseDetailed> listener = new RealmChangeListener<CourseDetailed>() {
public void onChange(CourseDetailed element) {
Log.i("renaud", "courseDetailed.addChangeListener onChange");
Log.i("renaud", "1");
Log.i("renaud", "2");
public void initFirstLaunch() {
courseDetailed = realm.where(CourseDetailed.class).contains("_id", courseId).findFirst();
if (courseDetailed == null) {
courseDetailed = realm.createObject(CourseDetailed.class, courseId);
Api.getInstance().backend.getCourse(courseId).enqueue(new CustomRetrofitCallBack<CourseDetailed>(playerViewContract) {
public void onResponseReceived(final CourseDetailed response) {
Realm.getDefaultInstance().executeTransactionAsync(new Realm.Transaction() {
public void execute(Realm realm) {
note that playerViewContract
is my activity in this context.
My problem is that onChange()
is sometimes called, and when it does it blocks my UI Thread (and eventualy provoques a OutOfMemoryError
). My guess was that I was not in a looper thread, but when I call Looper.prepare()
anywhere it crashes saying that I'm already in one.
What's happening ?
Edit : Adding initWithCourseDetailed code
public void initWithCourseDetails(final CourseDetailed detailed) {
Log.i("renaud", "initWithCourseDetails");
mDrawer.post(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
String title = detailed.getName();
String subtitle = detailed.getCompany().getName();
if (detailed.getThumbnail() != null) {
String picUrl = AppConstants.SERVER_URL + "/api/" + detailed.getThumbnail();
final LinearLayout l = (LinearLayout) mNavigationView.findViewById(R.id.layout);
.into(new Target() {
public void onBitmapLoaded(Bitmap bitmap, Picasso.LoadedFrom from) {
l.setBackground(new BitmapDrawable(getResources(), bitmap));
public void onBitmapFailed(Drawable errorDrawable) {
public void onPrepareLoad(Drawable placeHolderDrawable) {
TextView nameTv = (TextView) mNavigationView.findViewById(R.id.drawer_header_name);
TextView jobTv = (TextView) mNavigationView.findViewById(R.id.drawer_header_job);
Api.getInstance().backend.getCourse(courseId).enqueue(new CustomRetrofitCallBack<CourseDetailed>(playerViewContract) {
public void onResponseReceived(final CourseDetailed response) {
Realm realm = null;
try {
realm = Realm.getDefaultInstance();
realm.executeTransactionAsync(new Realm.Transaction() {
public void execute(Realm realm) {
} finally {
if (realm != null) {
realm = null;
The UI thread is a Looper thread (it has the looper Looper.getMainLooper()
), which means it has autoupdate. Auto-update however means that the ChangeListener
you add to your RealmObject
will be called whenever the underlying table is modified, and not just once.
(And I should also note that RealmChangeListener
s are retained with weak reference by Realm's Context
and so is the RealmObject
, so to keep the autoupdate and the change listener intact even through GC, it has to be kept as a field reference.
Although it's also worth noting that findFirst()
can return null if the element is not found by ID, otherwise returns the element immediately.)
So it seems to me that whatever playerViewContract.initWithCourseDetails(element);
does, it does it again and again and eventually crashes.
I kinda hope I answered your question?