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Try to ExpandProperties in filesMatching in my gradle build

I have the following gradle build


defaultTasks 'build'

task build(type: Copy){

    // read the properties from the file
    Properties props = new Properties()
    props.load(new FileInputStream("../"))
    props.each() { k, v ->[k] = v

    // copy files and replace placeholders
        filesMatching('**/*.ini') {
            filter(, project: ant.project)
        filesMatching('**/*.yml') {
            println it
            filter(, project: ant.project)
        filesMatching('**/*.xml') {
            println it
            filter(, project: ant.project)

    into 'build/pkg/ansible' 

    includeEmptyDirs = true


I want to replace all "${variableName}" with the value defined in ../ for that variable in all the *.xml, *.ini and *.yml files and copy all files to a new folder.

For example: ../



replace this version. => ${versionA}

expected output in ./build/pkg/ansible/example-file.yml

replace this version. => 1.3

The result of the above build is that all files are copied to the right locations, but no property replacement has been made. :-(

Where's my error?

Cheers, d.


  • It actually does work as expcected. I missed that the "copy" task of gradle does not overwrite as default.

    Specifying the task as follows, solved my problem:

    task build(type: Copy, overwrite: true){

    Cheers, d.