Search code examples

angular dir-paginate paginate-id error

i have a list and within that list i have a new list that needs to be paginated. To make sure that each inner list know which list they belong to i use: pagination-id:

<div class="list-group bg-white m-none b-t">
<span dir-paginate="module in category.organization_has_modules | itemsPerPage:10 | filter:search"
<a ui-sref="app.library_assign({})"
   ng-if="module.is_active != 0">
    <i class="fa fa-fw {{module.module.module_type.icon}}"></i>
    <span class="pull-right">
        <i class="fa fa-sign-in"></i>

    <div class="clear"></div>
<dir-pagination-controls class="pull-right" pagination-id=""></dir-pagination-controls>

When i run this i sadly get the following error message:

error: [$parse:syntax] Syntax Error: Token '__currentPage' is an unexpected token at column 4 of the expression [103__currentPage] starting at [__currentPage].

if i run it without the pagination-id it runs fine however it is unable to differ the different lists which means all the pages change when i change it in one of the lists.

Does anyone have any idea of what im doing wrong?


  • The problem was apprently a bug with the id being a number. The parser in dirPagination.js line 206 does not accept numbers and the regex created to replace any numbers is apprently not working. So instead of using a number i used a string.