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Ampersand's booleanClass to toggle, add/remove a property

I found this documentation but I still couldn't figure out how I will use it in a code.

What I want to do is use Ampersand's binding rather than using Jquery $() to capture or fire an event when I click an element. Can someone please show an example of an ampersand code that will toggle, add/remove class that I can use with css. This will be helpful in for example expanding or collapsing an html element.


  • It seems like you are confusing two things here: events and bindings. Bindings are binding specific variables (defined in props or session), while events are triggering events, like jquery does. Here is an example of using these two together:

    module.exports = AmpersandView.extend({
        template: yourTemplate,
        props: {
            switchedOn: ['boolean', true, false]
        bindings: {
            'switchedOn': {
                type: 'booleanClass',
                name: 'active',
                selector: '#your-selector'
        events: {
            'click #your-selector': function(e){
                this.switchedOn = !this.switchedOn;
                var el =;//this is the element which triggered the event. In jquery it would be 'this' inside of the handler

    Here I define the variable switchedOn to which the state of class active of #your-selector is bound.

    Personally, I think it's a bit too much if you need just to toggle an element. In many cases jquery will require less code.