I have to replace some kind of occurrences on thousands of html files and I'm intendind to use linux script for this. Here are some examples of replaces I have to do
From: <a class="wiki_link" href="/WebSphere+Application+Server">
To: <a class="wiki_link" href="/confluence/display/WIKIHAB1/WebSphere%20Application%20Server">
That means, add /confluence/display/WIKIHAB1 as prefix and replace "+" by "%20".
I'll do the same for other tags, like img, iframe, and so on...
First, which tool should I use to make it? Sed? Awk? Other?
If anybody has any example, I really appreciate.
After some research I found out Beautiful Soup. It's a python library to parse html files, really easy to use and very well docummented. I had no experience with Python and could wrote the code without problems. Here is an example of python code to make the replace that I mentioned in the question.
import os
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
#Replaces plus sign(+) by %20 and add /confluence... prefix to each
#href parameter at anchor(a) tag that has wiki_link in class parameter
def fixAnchorTags(soup):
tags = soup.find_all('a')
for tag in tags:
newhref = tag.get("href")
if newhref is not None:
if tag.get("class") is not None and "wiki_link" in tag.get("class"):
newhref = newhref.replace("+", "%20")
newhref = "/confluence/display/WIKIHAB1" + newhref
tag['href'] = newhref
#Creates a folder to save the converted files
def setup():
if not os.path.exists("converted"):
#Run all methods for each html file in the current folder
def run():
for file in os.listdir("."):
if file.endswith(".html"):
print "Converting " + file
htmlfile = open(file, "r")
converted = open("converted/"+file, "w")
soup = BeautifulSoup(htmlfile, "html.parser")