I am trying to print out Microsoft update hot fix URLs and change them
$link=Get-MSHotfix|Where-Object {$_.Installedon -gt ((Get-Date).Adddays(-20000))}|Select-Object -Property KBArticle
foreach($line in $link){
[String]$line = $line -replace 'http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=','https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/'
I have problem because it prints it out like this and it is not replacing:
If I just print it without -replace it looks ok.
I am trying to get full URL of KB Article
I am trying to create a script with will print out all hot fixes with links and names from title if possible
Yep you have to build the regular expression, RegEx101
$link=Get-MSHotfix|Where-Object {$_.Installedon -gt ((Get-Date).Adddays(-20000))}|Select-Object -Property KBArticle
foreach($line in $link){
[String]$line = $line -replace "http:\/\/support\.microsoft\.com\/\?kbid=",'https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/'
or you use substring:
$link=Get-MSHotfix|Where-Object {$_.Installedon -gt ((Get-Date).Adddays(-20000))}|Select-Object -Property KBArticle
foreach($line in $link){
[String]$line = 'https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/' + $line.substring(35)
cut the strings by first 35 characters and add it to your url.
very interesting, what also works is the other kind of replace...
$link=Get-MSHotfix|Where-Object {$_.Installedon -gt ((Get-Date).Adddays(-20000))}|Select-Object -Property KBArticle
foreach($line in $link){
[String]$line = $line.replace("http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=",'https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/')
I'm a bit confused...
if you use -replace you have to take a regex if you call the function .replace() you need to give a string.