I'm using cascading dropdowns on a page. The first dropdown is being filled from ViewBag
new Dictionary<string, object>
{ "class", "form-control" },
{ "width", "100%" },
{ "data-placeholder", "Select Group..." },
{ "onchange", "groupSelected(this)" }
and the second one is being filled when a value is selected from first one. The markup for second dropdown is
new Dictionary<string, object>
{ "id", "devices"},
{ "class", "chosen-select form-control" },
{ "width", "100%" },
{ "data-placeholder", "Select Devices..." }
and the jquery function to fill the second dropdown is
function groupSelected(obj) {
var selectedGroupId = obj.options[obj.selectedIndex].value;
url: "../Devices/DevicesByGroupId",
type: "GET",
dataType: "JSON",
data: { groupId: selectedGroupId },
success: function (devicesData) {
$.each(devicesData, function (index, itemData) {
The api method which is being invoked executes and returns data but for some reason, the values are not appended to the second dropdown.
Please suggest what am I missing here.
@StephenMuecke you saved my day mate! Removing the chose-select class loaded the data. I just found that I had to invoke
to update the listbox. Thanks a lot for pointing me in this direction :)