I am trying to create MS SQL Server Linked server to connect web MYSQL .
I have given access to my static IP address in "Remote MYSQL"..
I have choosen following option in MS SQL Server Linked server
Provider: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
Product name: MySQL
Data Source: MySQL ( I don't know what I should give here hence I have given MysQL)
Provider String:
DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 5.5 Driver};SERVER=Shared IP address Mention in CPanel;PORT=3306;DATABASE=database name; USER=user;PASSWORD=password;
When I try to connect using above obtion I am getting error as "Not able to connect"
When executed below command in my CMD
telnet "Shared IP address Mention in CPanel
" 3306
I am getting following message:
Kindly help me how to solve this issue?
Here are step by step to create linked server to mysql .
you have to make sure that sql server service account having full permission on temp location or it should be part of admin group.