% save .mat file in the matlab
The data obtained in the matlab is in the size of (50,1,51,61,23).
I load the .mat file in Python with the instruction of this link.
The code is as follows:
import numpy as np, h5py
f = h5py.File('pythonTest.mat', 'r')
train_set_x = f.get('train_set_x')
train_set_x = np.array(train_set_x)
The output of train_set_x.shape is (23L, 61L, 51L, 1L, 50L)
. It is expected to be (50L, 1L, 51L, 61L, 23L)
. So I changed the shape by
train_set_x=np.transpose(train_set_x, (4,3,2,1,0))
I am curious about the change in data shape between Python and matlab. Is there some errors in my code?
You do not have any errors in the code. There is a fundamental difference between Matlab and python in the way they treat multi-dimensional arrays.
Both Matalb and python store all the elements of the multi-dim array as a single contiguous block in memory. The difference is the order of the elements:
Matlab, (like fortran) stores the elements in a column-first fashion, that is storing the elements according to the dimensions of the array, for 2D:
[1 3;
2 4]
In contrast, Python, stores the elements in a row-first fashion, that is starting from the last dimension of the array:
[1 2;
3 4];
So a block in memory with size [m,n,k]
in Matlab is seen by python as an array of shape [k,n,m]
For more information see this wiki page.
BTW, instead of transposing train_set_x
, you might try setting its order to "Fortran" order (col-major as in Matlab):
train_set_x = np.array(train_set_x, order='F')