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MongoDB exception using C# Fluent Aggregation Framework

I'm trying to write a very simple grouping query, using the MongoDB fluent aggregation syntax in the C# driver.

I'm grouping documents by author and returning the count per author. I don't need to return the author names, only the counts. The following code compiles, but when I execute it, I get this exception:

Command aggregate failed: the group aggregate field name '$sum' cannot be an operator name.

var query = Collection<TestFile>()
        t => t.AuthorName,
        grp => grp.Count()

MongoDB version: 3.2.4

MongoDB C# Driver version:


  • Try it like so (not tested yet though)

    var query = Collection<TestFile>()
            t => t.AuthorName,
            grp => new { Count = grp.Count() }