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Applescript: iTerm to split pane from the window the script was called

I have the following script with attempts to split the window vertically, and tail a log file in the new pane.


COMMAND="tail -f log_file"

# Do something important.
sleep 4

# Split the window, and tail logs.
osascript <<-EOF
tell application "iTerm"
    tell current session of current window
        split vertically with default profile command "$COMMAND"
    end tell
end tell

However, this script splits the window that is currently in focus, and not the window in which the script is running.

Steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. Open an iTerm window (say W1), and run this script.
  2. While the script is executing sleep 4, open another window (say W2) and keep W2 in focus.
  3. After 4 seconds, the newer window (i.e. W2) will be split vertically.

How to open split the window from W1, the window where the script was called from?


  • Get the ID of the current session at beginning of the script.

    Later in the script, get the session corresponding to this identifier

    myID=$(osascript -e 'tell application "iTerm" to id of current session of current window')
    COMMAND="tail -f log_file"
    # Do something important.
    sleep 4
    # Split the window, and tail logs. myID2 is the id of the new session (the split pane)
    myID2=$(osascript <<-EOF
    tell application "iTerm"
        repeat with w in windows
            repeat with t in tabs of w
                tell (first session of t whose its id = "$myID")
                    if exists then return id of (split vertically with default profile command "$COMMAND")
                end tell
            end repeat
        end repeat
    end tell