Okay, I have an issue with the addObserver function in Swift. How is that possible, if I change a value of an object A that object B reacts? (Without A knows B but B has a variable with a reference to A)
for example here:
class A {
var willChange: Int = 0
// if something happened -> willChange = 1
class B {
let someThing = A()
//Something like this maybe but i don't really want to check, just get a notice
if someThing.willChange != 0 {
func whatEver() {
//called if willChange is changed
Not only if willChange changed it has to be notificated, just if anything i want happened in A -> notificate B. Thinking of Observer Pattern, but maybe can someone explain if possible with this.
Something like this:
class A {
weak var observer : AnyObject?
var willChange: Int = 0{
if let bObject = observer as? B{
class B {
let someThing = A()
someThing.observer = self
func whatEver() {
//called if willChange is changed