I have a script that reads in a comma delimited text file, however whenever I use Trim(str) on one of the values I have extracted in the file, it won't work...
My Text File:
some string, anotherstring, onelaststring
some string, anotherstring, onelaststring
some string, anotherstring, onelaststring
some string, anotherstring, onelaststring
My Script:
Dim fso, myTxtFile
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set myTxtFile = fso.OpenTextFile("mytxt.txt")
Dim str, myTxtArr
txtContents myTxtFile.ReadAll
myTxtArr = Split(txtContents, vbNewLine)
For each line in myTxtArr
tLine = Split(tLine, ",")
If tLine(1) = "anotherstring" Then
MsgBox "match"
End If
My script never reaches "match" and I'm not sure why.
is a function that returns the trimmed string. Your code uses it improperly. You need to use the returned value:
myTxtArr(1) = Trim(myTxtArr(1))
or use another variable to store the value, and use that separate variable in the comparison,
trimmedStr = Trim(myTxtArr(1))
If trimmedStr = "anotherstring" Then
or you can just use the function return value directly in the comparison,
If Trim(myTxtArr(1)) = "anotherstring" Then
Here's a corrected version of that portion of your code:
For each line in myTxtArr
tLine = Split(line, ",")
tLine(1) = Trim(tLine(1))
If tLine(1) = "anotherstring" Then
MsgBox "match"
End If