Here's my database:
name:"Donald J. Drunk"
name:"Killery Hlinton"
And I want to filter my FirebaseRecyclerAdapter
such that only add to my RecyclerView
data that contains the key text
. How is this possible? How can I add it? Current code:
mAdapter = new FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<Campaign, CampaignHolder>(Campaign.class, R.layout.recyclerview_template, CampaignHolder.class, ref) {
public void populateViewHolder(final CampaignHolder viewHolder, final Campaign campaign, final int position) {
MainActivity.this.holder = viewHolder;
//... Other "set" methods
You could try overriding the onBindViewHolder
method in your FirebaseRecyclerAdapter
. Something like this:
mAdapter = new FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<Campaign, CampaignHolder>(Campaign.class, R.layout.recyclerview_template, CampaignHolder.class, ref) {
public void onBindViewHolder(CampaignHolder viewHolder, int position) {
Campaign model = getItem(position);
if(model.getText() != null){
populateViewHolder(viewHolder, model, position);
public void populateViewHolder(final CampaignHolder viewHolder, final Campaign campaign, final int position) {
MainActivity.this.holder = viewHolder;
//... Other "set" methods
With this approach you would still pull all data at the query location but entries without a text attribute just wouldn't be displayed. If that is unsatisfactory and you want to minimize the amount of data you download per query then the only other option I see is closer to what is mentioned in the comments above - meaning you would need to create a separate location that only stores those entries which have a text value.