I'm using Pygit2 to run certain operations within the repo I'm working on.
If my code file is not at the root of the repo, how can I get the path of the repo from anywhere within the repo?
I can do the below in case the function is called from root, but how to do it if I run it from anywhere within the repository code?
$ cd /home/test/Desktop/code/Project
$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
$ ipython3
In [1]: import os, pygit2
In [2]: repo = pygit2.Repository(os.getcwd())
One option is simply to traverse parent directories until you find a .git
import os
import pathlib
import pygit2
def find_toplevel(path, last=None):
path = pathlib.Path(path).absolute()
if path == last:
return None
if (path / '.git').is_dir():
return path
return find_toplevel(path.parent, last=path)
toplevel = find_toplevel('.')
if toplevel is not None:
repo = pygit2.Repository(str(toplevel))
There are some caveats here, of course. You won't necessarily find a
directory if someone has set the GIT_DIR
variable. If you have a git worktree, then .git
is a file, not a
directory, and libgit2
doesn't seem to handle this (as of version