I have to serve up my backbone app on the "/b" route and am having trouble hooking in my router. It works fine if I just showView a view, but my route controller functions are not firing when I hook in my router, any thoughts?
define('appRouter', ['marionette', 'rootView', 'changePasswordView'], function(Marionette, rootView, changePasswordView) {
return Marionette.AppRouter.extend({
routes: {
'/b/change-password': 'showChangePassword',
'/b': 'showAccountSettings'
showChangePassword: function() {
this.showView(new changePasswordView());
showAccountSettings: function() {
this.showView(new rootView());
application onStart (which is confirmed firing):
var Application = Marionette.Application.extend({
onStart: function(options) {
console.log('on start');
var router = new appRouter(options);
/** Starts the URL handling framework */
if( ! Backbone.History.started) Backbone.history.start();
When I visit http://localhost:8080/b
(which is for all intensive purposes my index) it renders a blank page.
Default routes in Backbone are hash-based. Link to Your /b
route should look like http://localhost:8080/#/b
If You don't need hash-based links, start history with pushState: true
Backbone.history.start({pushState: true});
If You serve app on /b
path, then You have wrong defined routes. Routes must be defined relative to /b
routes: {
'change-password': 'showChangePassword',
'': 'showAccountSettings'
And access:
http://localhost:8080/b' -
showAccountSettings`http://localhost:8080/b#change-password' -