Idea is to be able to modify array from library, like an "output" from a function. Example:
//Reads data from a file, and store in the numpy array
void read_image(PyArray* arr);
C = ffi.dlopen('')
image = np.array([], dtype=np.float32)
assert image.ndim == 2
You can't pass CPython-specific PyXxx
structures via CFFI: you need to pass standard C data. Normally I'd answer that you need to design your cdef()'ed function with a standard C interface, for example something like:
struct myimage_t {
int width, height;
float *data;
int read_image(struct myimage_t *output); // fill in '*output'
void free_image(struct myimage_t *img); // free output->data
myimage ="struct myimage_t *")
if lib.read_image(myimage) < 0:
raise IOError
Then you need to manually convert the myimage
to a numpy array, somewhere in the "..." code above.
One better alternative is to use a Python callback: a callback that makes the numpy array according to spec and returns a C-standard float *
pointer. The numpy array itself is saved somewhere in the callback. You could save it as a Python global, or more cleanly use a "handle" you pass via C. Requires the API version, not the ABI. In
extern "Python" float *alloc_2d_numpy_array(void *handle, int w, int h);
void read_image(void *handle);
ffi.set_source("_example_cffi", """
void read_image(void *handle)
// the C code that eventually invokes
float *p = alloc_2d_numpy_array(handle, w, h);
// and then fill the data at 'p'
In file
from _example_cffi import ffi, lib
class Context:
def alloc_2d_numpy_array(handle, w, h):
context = ffi.from_handle(handle)
context.image = np.ndarray([w, h], dtype=np.float32)
return ffi.cast("float *", ffi.from_buffer(context.image))
context = Context()
image = context.image