I use Rails 4 and Solidus 1.2 How does one format the price to have a currency symbol with a space before the number like "€ 99"?
Spree/Solidus use Ruby Money Gem to handle currencies and I see in https://github.com/RubyMoney/money/blob/master/lib/money/money/formatting.rb that there is a config option
Spree::Money.default_formatting_rules[:symbol_before_without_space] = true
but no Spree::Money.default_formatting_rules[:symbol_before_with_space] = true
In my initializer:
# config/initializers/spree.rb
:priority => 1,
:iso_code => "EUR",
:iso_numeric => "978",
:name => "Euro",
:symbol => "€",
:subunit => "Cent",
:subunit_to_unit => 100,
:separator => ".",
:delimiter => ","
And I tried also to format within my localization files like in de.yml:
format: "%u %n"
But the price format is still "104,90 €" instead of "€ 104,90".
I don't want to do String Interpolation to format the currency. Is there an config option that I'm missing?
ok, it's embarrassing but i just had to set
Spree::Money.default_formatting_rules[:symbol_before_without_space] = false
to get my desired format.